Curtis C. Coleman, III, P.A.
Attorney At Law

Mr. Coleman was nominated and awarded the ESGR Award and Plaque from the National Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield.

Recipient of the 2015 National Secretary of Defense Employer Supporting Guard and Reserve Patriotic Award

Mr. Coleman was nominated and awarded the ESGR Award and Plaque from the National Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfield.
Our Team
Mr. Coleman, who has been practicing law in Greenville, NC, for over 30 years, has one full time paralegal, Mrs. Dallas Terry. Dallas is a Petty Officer First Class Legalman (Paralegal) (E6) with the Judge Advacote General Corps in the United States Navy (Reserves). Dallas has been in the Navy for 8 years and was in the United States Marine Corps prior to that for 7 years. Dallas' job in the JAG Corps is very similar to her civilian job. She is very familar with processing Social Security Disability Claims for Wounded Warriors and disabled veterans who are both applying for Social Security Disability as well at Disabilty through the VA.
Mrs. Terry received an AAS Degree in Paralegal Studies from an ABA approved Program at Pitt Community College on May 9, 2015. Dallas also has over 107 Credit Hours of formal education in Nursing, Criminal Justice, Police Studies, Medical Assistant, and Computer Programing in addition to her AAS Degree. Dallas has over 13 years experience as a civilian paralegal and has worked for both plaintiff and defense law firms. She has been with Mr. Coleman since 2013 and worked with several other firms in Greenville before joining this firm.
Mrs. Terry was also a law enforcement officer for over 8 years at North Topsail Police Department, Greenville Police Department and Bethel Police Department.
We strive to fight for all our client's, rights, benefits and their claim's just as if you were a member of our own family. We utilize a caring and compassionate approach with all of our client family members. Come join our family and let us help you navigate the often confusing maze that is North Carolina workers' compensation law and/or Social Security disability claims.
Mr. Coleman has handled many types of personal injury and insurance claims over the past 30+ years, but now focuses almost most extensively on fighting for the rights and benefits of those who have been injured in a workplace accident or who are disabled and seeking Social Security benefits.
He is a Certified Mediator through the North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission. This means that he is able to serve as an appointed or selected Mediator for civil claims in the North Carolina Superior Court system or workers' compensation claims under the North Carolina Industrial Commission's mediation program.
Mr. Coleman handles Workers' Compensation Claims from the initial filing of the Form 18, Notice of Accident to Emploer and Claim of Employee, Representative, or Dependent all the way through the Mediation and, if necessary, through a hearing before the North Carollina Industrial Commission or appeal to the Full Commission or North Carolina Court of Appeals. His ultimate goal is to seek and obtain all of the benefits you, as an injured worker are entitled to and ultimately resolve your claim with the most fair and just settlement or award that can be obtained.
Mr. Coleman handles Social Security Disability Claims for adults and children. He is one of only a few attorneys in eastern North Carolina that still assists parents, guardians and caretakers in fighting for benefits that their child or children and family deserve.
He has in the past also handled numerous types of Personal Injury and Automobile Accdient Claims and other types of claims.
News & Publications

February 2011
Curtis C. Coleman, III opens his solo law firm practice for business at 219-D Commerce Street in Greenville. Mr. Coleman previously practiced as an independent attorney out of the law firm of Lawyer's East in Greenville. Mrs. Debbie Toomey, his long time paralegal made the transition with Mr. Coleman to his new practice location.

Curtis C. Coleman, III was nominated for and was awarded with the Employer Supporting Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Patriotic Award and Plaque.
Curtis C. Coleman, III P.A. Launched his first website and facebook page
Contact Us
(252) 757-1500
TOLL FREE: (800) 273-0781
FACSIMILE: (252) 273-0781
Curtis C. Coleman, III, P.A.
219-D Commerce Street
Greenville, North Carolina 27858
The use of the Internet or this
form for communication with the firm or any individual member of the firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Confidential or time-sensitive information should not be sent through this form.
Areas of Practice
North Carolina Workers' Compensation Law​
Social Security Disability Claims​
North Carolina Dispute Resolution Commission Certified Mediator
Automobile Personal Injury Claims